cbd oil for acne

CBD Oil For Acne: Benefits, What Works & How To Use It…

Acne is so frustrating. It’s one of those things that we don’t fully understand and there’s no “this remedy works for everyone” solution.

Further, it can take 4-6 weeks of treatment before you even know if the thing your using is working.

Fortunately there’s a new solution. It’s called CBD oil and it works amazingly well for acne.

Whether your acne is mild and related to makeup or hygiene habits or something more serious, CBD oil for acne can help.

Let’s look at why it works…

What is CBD Oil?

Before jumping into using CBD oil for acne, it’s important that you understand what CBD oil is and isn’t.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a natural compound found in the cannabis leaves and stems that’s similar to our own natural endocannabinoids.


The human endocannabinoid system is interconnected with our nervous and immune systems. This means that it can reduce inflammation, dull pain signals, relieve anxiety, and even alleviate depression.

Unlike cannabis, CBD oil does not contain the psychoactive ingredient THC that is associated with marijuana.

Pure CBD is non-toxic, doesn’t get you buzzed, and has no side effects.

CBD oil is also different from hemp seed oil.

This is because hemp seeds don’t contain any CBD compounds but are, instead, composed of simple fats and vitamins to help the seeds grow and feed off the seed kernel.

CBD, on the other hand, contains cannabidiol which is a natural anti-inflammatory that’s ideal for acne treatment.

CBD Oil Legality

The DEA has stated on the record that they have no interest in enforcing the laws in any manner against people using CBD products unless the CBD were somehow being used in the process of illicit drug trafficking.

In this case, they may try to use large stores of CBD as a reason to secure a warrant for a seizure of illegal drugs. If you’re not drug trafficking, you don’t need to worry.

Also, CBD with 0% THC like ours is legal in all 50 states so you really have nothing to worry about.

Causes of Acne

There are many reasons for acne breakouts.

One of the most common causes are overactive sebaceous glands in areas like the nose, forehead, and cheeks.

The overactive glands that normally keep the skin moisturized and supple, instead, plug the hair follicles in pores with excess oils and dead skin cells.

At other times, acne may be rooted in hormonal imbalances which happen during puberty, birth control, and pregnancy.

And of course, women may get acne from using makeup products and lotions that clog their pores.

Things That Exacerbate Acne

Anyone can suffer from acne for a variety of reasons. But there are also a few things that can worsen your acne once you have it.

Touching your face transfers bacteria into pores which can lead to more severe breakouts.

Hormonal changes, certain medications, poor diet, stress, and poor hygiene can all increase the chances of a breakout or the severity.

As stated, puberty causes hormonal problems which can enlarge the sebaceous glands and lead to the development of acne.

Pregnancy and birth control, likewise, cause hormonal fluctuations that increase sebum production and breakouts.

Even medications containing corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium, among others, are associated with chemical changes in the body and increase the risk of breakouts.

When it comes to diet, people with acne should avoid greasy foods. A low-glycemic diet that’s loaded with nutritious fruits and vegetables may also improve the overall chemistry of your body and reduce breakouts.

Overall, it’s unclear how diet affects acne sufferers beyond this information.

However, we do know that vitamins A, B5, C, E, folic acid, and probiotics are good for your skin.

If you drink milk products, make sure to cut those out as well. Milk is associated with breakouts more than many other food.

Drinking water and staying hydrated can also help improve your skin’s appearance and reduce breakouts.

You should also avoid soy because it is high in phytoestrogens that affect your hormones. Unfortunately, most processed foods contain soy so they can be hard to avoid.

Although it may seem counterintuitive to avoid drying and harsh soaps when you have overactive oil glands, dry skin is more prone to infection. Scrubbing your face excessively can also lead to more breakouts and damage your skin.

Although hygiene plays a role, a shower a day is more than enough to wash bacteria off the face if you don’t touch your face with dirty hands afterwards.

Benefits of Using CBD For Acne

CBD is useful for combating acne for two primary reasons.

  1. CBD reduces inflammation
  2. CBD helps regulate oil production

It has long been hailed as a remedy for inflammation.

It’s known that CBD receptors signal your nerve cells to calm down when they’re releasing inflammatory signals. This can soothe the discomfort and redness of pimples.

In addition to this, CBD may play a key role in regulating oil production according to a recent study. Although more studies need to be made to convince the skeptics, people with acne are signing up in flocks to become test subjects because there is no risk and many other uses for CBD oil.

CBD is also viewed as a safe and natural alternative to acne medications like Retin-A.

Although Retin-A is derived from Vitamin A, it can cause difficulty breathing and orange peel skin that makes you look prematurely aged from using it.

Acne medicines like Accutane have also been linked with birth defects, depression, and even suicide which makes them far from an ideal solution.

Other benefits of CBD for acne include:

  • It activates your endocannabinoid system. This increases anandamide – the neurotransmitter that controls cell growth.
  • CBD only targets the problem cells without affecting the rest of your cells. Unlike medications which can target both and carry serious side effects.
  • CBD doesn’t harm you. It’s not hard on your organs, you can’t overdose, and it doesn’t produce a psychoactive effect.

How to Use CBD Oil For Acne

CBD oil can be applied topically to reduce inflammation or ingested to help reduce stress-related breakouts and regulate the oil production.

In fact, the oral consumption also helps to reduce inflammation throughout the whole body.

The beauty of CBD oil is that it can be consumed and topically applied to trouble spots giving you a two phase treatment.

How to use CBD for acne:

CBD is like many other medications that require a steady progression of use to build up in your system.

You can start out with a low dose of about 5 mg a day and increase the usage until you feel the calming effects. While a calming sensation doesn’t directly relate to acne (unless you’re stressed), it gives you a measurement for the dosing.

Once you’ve dialed in the ideal dose, continue taking it for at least 2 to 4 weeks so it has time to build up in your system.

The blood vessels in the skin are more delicate than other organs and muscles of your body.

Therefore, it may take up to 6 weeks or even a few months before the full benefits are realized.

I know that’s a long time in acne land but stick with it and give it your best. The important thing is that you take the CBD daily. It builds up over time and takes 2-4 weeks to reach peak levels.

For topical use, you simply apply to problem areas. It’s that simple.

If you’re concerned about a reaction, you can try applying the oil in less conspicuous areas to get a feel for how it affects your skin. The anti-inflammatory effects of the CBD oil should in the very least reduce the swelling and provide an opportunity to unclog the pores.

Using hemp seed oil for acne

Although hemp seed oil lacks the anti-inflammatory and oil-regulation benefits of CBD oil, it does contain Vitamins D and E.

These vitamins are often contained in lotions because they play a part in reducing inflammation and blotchiness.

Hemp oil is an excellent skin moisturizing agent for people who have dry skin with acne. It has a comedogenic rating of zero which means it also has zero chance of causing a breakout. Of course, this assumes you get pure hemp seed oil since oils will filler agents can cause breakouts.

Using hemp seed oil for acne is mainly for topical use. It’s an excellent moisturizer so if your acne is caused by dry skin, this is a great oil to use.


Due to the serious consequences of scarring and facial discolorations that acne can cause, it is worth arming yourself with a variety of tools.

While hemp oil and CBD oil may not produce instant results, they are safe, effective, inexpensive, and holistic treatments that anyone can benefit from.

CBD has many uses beyond acne treatment and can extend your life due to the stress-relieving benefits alone. It’s also non-toxic which is a big deal when compared to the current, highly toxic prescription acne medications currently available.

Have you tried CBD oil for acne? Let us know your results in the comments below and please share this post with your friends.


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